Here are three things that really get my blood pressure spittooning off the dial:
One- having to go anywhere wearing clothing/shoes which are
restrictive and/or uncomfortable.
Two- watching an action movie with a woman in it who has to
run and kick-ass just like her male counterpart, only she’s wearing high heels
and invariably something considered ‘sexy’ (ie, something somewhere is likely
to fly out of the wrappings)
Three- watching young women out for the day/evening wearing
clothes that are so revealing I can check their vitals visually. Often blue from cold, leaving nothing to the imagination and
unable to walk properly due to clothing tightness and ridiculous heel height,
what are these young women thinking?
Perhaps they are going for the ‘wounded
deer attracts predator’ look. I’m sure I don’t know.
I do know all of the above says clearly to me that women
still have a long way to go for equality if we generally still agree that the
above is acceptable.
Here are some things I think we should question wearing, but
most of all I want to people thinking about who laid down the
rule-book that these things equal being a woman. Femininity should not equal womanliness since feminine is traditionally assiciated with prettiness and delicacy. I'd prefer to think of women as strong and graceful. Lets' aim for beautiful instead:
But let the mind and the senses be your own.
Bra’s- If your
breasts and gravity are in opposition and you feel your novel needs a
bookshelf, why go for something nasty? If you wouldn’t squash a kitten into a
hamster wheel- why would you put a sensitive part of your anatomy behind bars? Lace
or no lace- a jail is a jail.'
Your ribcage has a right to expand- it’s called
breathing. Your blood is MEANT to circulate. Any cleft in cleavage need not be
a garage for your chin. If a bra is your choice, get something that lets perspiration
(yes, this is allowed) to escape and let your moose as loose in the caboose as
Take bra’s off as soon as is possible (on the bus is
probably not yet acceptable) to help with circulation.
If men got around in
little under-wire jock-straps every day and they started to get a lot of
testicular cancer, I think we might agree the ‘testierre’ may be contributing
to that problem. I feel sad that every day women donate to breast cancer charities
whilst wearing strangulating bra’s.
And for goodness sake do not wear a bra to bed. Your mind
has a right to wander when you sleep and so too do your breasts.
Underpants- Where
discretion allows I am all for sans undergarment. Clearly this works best in
long loose garments with little breeze.
Outside of that I do not agree that a
string plumb-line or anything which travels of its own accord is okay, healthy
or comfortable on a woman body. I also have to question the wisdom of putting seams on the
inside of a garment which are prone to getting “caught among the briars’. Short
satin bloomers are my vote. They make all shaped bottoms look lovely, are very
comfortable, allow the breeze in a little and cover all mountains cleanly like
a good dusting of polka-dot snow.
Shoes- I remember
a comedian once describing lesbians as ‘women in comfortable shoes’. I really
fail to see why they should be the only straight-spined, bunion-free, extremely
smooth-walking women.

Wearing very comfortable shoes feels fabulous. If you have a
cupboard full of designer shoes, consider yourself a starved creative and go
create something useful with your clever eye. Shoe design is an art. There are
lots of others ways to make beautiful things.
When I see little girl in high heels I get very sad/livid.
Do not visit fashion pain onto your innocent children. Go look at damaged feet
and spines on Google images from bad shoes and high heels.
Look at men’s shoes.
Yes, they are made to be comfortable so they can get a days work done or go out
and comfortably recreate. My boys will not put up with an uncomfortable shoe,
but I have handed a bandaid to many a heel- blistered friend. Ninety percent of
bunions are on women’s feet. Nice.
And get shoes off your feet and walk barefoot wherever and
wherever you can safely.
Clothing in general-
Things that make you sweat, smell, cut into your skin, stop you eating enough,
stop you breathing properly, stop you walking or moving your arms properly are
doing something akin to taking away your basic human rights. If you went with
those complaints to the doctor they would send you to hospital!
Who told us that it
was acceptable to suffer from the above? It is your right to move freely and
comfortably, for your skin to breath and blood circulate.
I think a woman is
meant to be strong and graceful. You can do that in an outfit made from half a
dozen dish-clothes and a few rubber bands, but if that isn’t you, seek pieces
outside of the latest fashion that are made from natural, breathable fabrics
and that let you move and breath. This has got to be far more liberating than
following the herd into the latest fashion battle.
If you pause to think about that, it makes fashion seem so
incredibly ridiculous.
There are thousands of famous people on the planet who lived
amazing lives, none of whom are remembered for what they wore.
I believe for the
majority of them, fashion was a very low priority- they simply had better things
to think of and do.
Once again if you love new and high fashion, consider the
possibility that you are a really creative person with no huge outlet to focus
your talent. Try and redirect that. As with shoes- you could start creating
beautiful clothes that serve women better.
Think for yourself- for your own body. How you like a person
should have nothing to do with their clothes. Surely it's the person inside the clothes that counts? That goes both ways.
Getting clothes and shoes that compliment your body in a
comfortable way may take longer to find because there is not enough call for
it yet unless you are pregnant or a larger sized person.
But the more people search and
buy and demand, the more clothes and shoes will be made. If you are clever
enough, design and/or make some for the rest of us to buy and enjoy!Use internet
search engines for ideas. Think outside the circle.
Women should be free to move and live freely. Ask yourself who says
that you shouldn’t.